Friday, December 1, 2006

El Principio - The Beginning

Finally I am able to get my two feet inside the blogging world and what can be more exciting to start the wheels going than to blog about my recent vacation.

Me and my wife went to Orlando, Florida for the thanksgiving weekend. Its my third trip to Orlando and my wife's first. The prep for the trip went very different than any of my previous trips which were mostly crazy road trips with my grad school buddies. During my bachelor days a typical vacation started with renting a car and then looking for some friends to hop on to wherever. But this time around I booked the flight tickets, hotel and the rental car all in advance and even carefully dotted down what we were going to do each day given the time constraints.

We arrived in Orlando on a beautiful wednesday evening and the wonderful florida weather made us forget our long day of travel. It was refreshing to see beautiful palm trees everywhere and my wife commented that the whole atmosphere reminds her of India. True, there is an ocean of difference between Iowa and Florida and from the minute we stepped out of the Airport we knew that it was going to be a great vacation. The weather was warm and very soothing.

We took it easy the first night and went to Kennedy Space Center the next day. It was my third trip down there but was worth every penny of it. If I ever go there the next time though I will plan a trip to sync with a satellite launch. It sure looks promising and exciting.

During the next two days we visited Universal Studios and Cocoa Beach. Universal Studios was amazing and showcased how human imagination can make impossible things possible. We were extremely tired that evening after long walks in the park so our trip to Cocoa beach the next day was perfect. Nothing can make anyone humble than an ocean front. Atlantic ocean with its mammoth size and gigantic waves seemed to reflect the power of nature and we very much enjoyed the oceanic breezes on the beach.

We got back to Iowa the next morning after spending 4 wonderful nights in Florida.

Now the weather in Iowa is an glaring contrast to the wonderful weather that greeted us in Florida. I am glad that we have a place like Florida to go once in a while and it makes me wonder where do Florida people go for a vacation. I am sure they don't come to Iowa but after a while do they take all the wonderful things in Florida for granted?

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